Hotel di Hong Kong- Cell phone companies are still controlled the world market, Nokia, will not be part of it makes the tablet personal computer (PC), as did Apple with its latest flagship product, iPad. Nokia remains concentrated in the smartphone business.
"We will not latah the bandwagon and make a tablet PC, we remain focused on smartphones," said Georges Linardos, Vice President of Product Nokia Media Group, answering reporters' questions in the forum Compass Pepih Nugraha Nokia World 2010 in London, this Wednesday.
A few months ago Apple successfully launched the iPad, a full tablet PC touch screen. Success followed by Toshiba with iPad Smartpad products, with LePad Lenovo, Dell, Samsung, and some PC or mobile phone manufacturers also jumped into the bandwagon tablet PC.
Linardos admitted, Intel MeeGo operating system also makes Tablet PC dive following the successful iPad. However, Nokia still will not make a tablet PC. Linardos explains, still concentrating on Nokia smartphones with Symbian operating system.
Currently the product is the Symbian platform Nokia N8, C6, C7, and E7. Fourth smartphones are also discussed in the forum Nokia World 2010 though it was launched and distributed in the market some previous state.
Create a Tablet PC
Reviewed by Imelda Pusparita
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