Pilkada Kabupaten Bandung

Hotel di Garut - Prospective couples Regent and Vice Regent of Bandung Dadang Naser Moch-Deden Rumaji supported Golkar Party and the President and Dadang Ridho Rusdiana Budiman who supported the MCC and the United Nations is almost certain to qualify for the second elections in 2010 in Bandung regency. Regional Head Election (Election) District for a term of Bandung from 2010 to 2015, held simultaneously on Sunday (29 / 8).

At least 2.2 million people entitled to select the Bandung District last week flocked to polling stations each in 276 villages in 31 districts. They implement their political rights in 5252 polling stations (TPS).

However, the results of monitoring in the field, the participation of the community to use the vote is not optimal. "In some polling stations nearly flat only reached 52 percent," said the chief Nagrak Cangkuang District of Bandung Regency, H Zaenal Arifin.

From the results of the count while the teams quick calculation Golkar Bandung regency couples Dadang Naser-Deden Rumaji reached 30.4 percent. While the pair-Dadang Ridho Main Budiman Rusdiana reached 21 percent. Then the two pairs was confirmed into round two.

Meanwhile, six other couples under 10 percent. Bandung Regent Candidate Moch Dadang Naser and Ridho Main Budhiman equally convinced advanced to the second round after knowing the results of calculations quickly.

They will try to hold the masses of other candidates to become the number one target in Bandung Regency Bandung regency toward change is better.

Meanwhile, the real count KPU Kabupaten Bandung, at 17:35 o'clock am, the couple recorded the voice-Deden Dadang Naser Rumaji won 29 percent votes. Medium-Dadang Ridho Main Budiman Rusdiana 21 percent. While other couples under 10 percent. New incoming voice that reaches 62 percent, from voter turnout to reach 1.21 million.
Pilkada Kabupaten Bandung Pilkada Kabupaten Bandung Reviewed by Imelda Pusparita on 08:45:00 Rating: 5

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