Astrological Signs

Hotel di Bandung - Saturn will be in Virgo until July 21. Curb your spending during this period. Even though you have no major financial issues, use the practical approach. Socialize with coworkers this weekend. Make new friends. You have an opportunity to make contact with people who can boost your career. You may hear from old friends while Mercury is retrograde. Venus travels to Gemini. You have an opportunity to discuss your hopes, wishes and goals. Full moon in Scorpio on Wednesday. Let go of what is not working on the home front. Chat with folks in authority. Your career takes center stage Wednesday when Mercury visits the sun. Recognition and success can be yours if you really want them.

Solid ground is evident in your social life when Venus and Saturn get together. You trust your judgment. Saturn has retreated to your sign and will remain there until it returns to Libra on July 21. It’s an opportunity to get organized. On Sunday, Venus journeys to Gemini. Venus is the planet of love and money. She takes up residence in your career department. Talk with the people in authority. Full moon on Wednesday in Scorpio. This is your communication department. You are ruled by Mercury, the communicator of the zodiac. Do not reveal all of your secrets. New insights could flow in.

Venus, your ruling planet, moves to your fellow air sign, Gemini, on Sunday. This gives you the gift of gab. Coworkers are friendly. Talk with people in the financial world. The home front takes center stage Sunday. Time to talk business with family members. Take a look at joint resources. Talk about your hopes, wishes and goals. The full moon Wednesday presents an opportunity to figure out new ways to boost your earned income. It gives you a chance to get rid of what is not working. You may decide to enhance your education.

Take a little time off for fun this weekend. Socialize with friends. Take a look at joint resources Monday. Back to business. Venus, the money planet, moves to Gemini. You have the gift of gab with the folks in the financial world. Remember, Mercury retrograde is not a good time to sign contracts. Chill out. Full moon in Scorpio on Wednesday. Pull out the shovel and see what you can dig up. Watch your emotions. No need to get angry. Find a healthy place to channel your intensity. Mars squares off with the moon. Don’t tick off the people in authority.
Astrological Signs Astrological Signs Reviewed by Imelda Pusparita on 04:48:00 Rating: 5

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