Rayuan Arwah Penasaran

Harga Tiket Trans Studio Bandung - Rahma Azhari jumped into vulgarity in the film 'Bye Curious Souls'. Rahma jumped into a kiss and a bath. Scene reportedly engineered to popularize film. Really?

"If it's (engineering, red) not my business. And, I think all is still within acceptable limit. So nobody should exaggerated. I also have not seen the trailer," said Rahma with slightly rising tone when found in the region Pejaten, South Jakarta, Monday (17 / 5) night.

Rahma acknowledge and bath kiss scene in the film exists. But he considered the scene that was still in bataw dilakoninya fairness.

"The scene making out (kissing, red) does indeed exist. But the scene in Indonesia aja reasonable. If a bath is a camera trick, yes times when bathing wear, it's a camera trick aja, I looked back no one is naked or open-aperture , "said Rahma.

So what Rahma response if this is true sensation for the promotion of the film?

"If they use this to promote the movie, I want them to pay me more. If the promo trailer for the film is intentionally of course I'm angry," he said.
Rayuan Arwah Penasaran Rayuan Arwah Penasaran Reviewed by Imelda Pusparita on 07:55:00 Rating: 5

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